The Struggle is Real!

Today I celebrate the completion of my eighth full length novel, Stranglehold. Yay me, right? Well, yeah! In the pyramid of people who want to be authors I have but one step to go and that is to get published. That’s step isn’t really a part of the actual pyramid but stick with me. I’ll explain if I can remember it right. I’ll say right now I am paraphrasing this since I heard is somewhere but can’t remember it’s exact origin. First is the bottom, widest part of the pyramid. This level is the people who want to be a writer. Want in one hand and a dollar in the other might get you a cup of coffee, but probably not. Everybody wants to be something, right? If you don’t then why get your ass out of bed every day? There are millions of people who occupy this level of the ancient structure. I belonged to this level for many, many years.

The next level of the pyramid going upward are the people who have actually sat down and put words to paper… or a computer. Ther are a whole hell of a lot less people occupying this one though. Thirty-five years ago I advanced to this level when I wrote the quasi outline and the opening chapter of the book that would eventually become my first novel, Shiva’s Eye. Sadly, I let it sit for the next three decades.

Third level up is populated with those who actually finish a book. You would be amazed at how many people never make it to this stage in their writing career. I stepped up to this level in 2017 when Shiva was finished. Now here’s where it gets tricky, and I have to say I am embarrassed a little about what happened next. I walked around for three years with my chest puffed out telling people I wrote a book. Look at me, I’m smart. Some people have said I am the dumbest smart person they know, and I can’t really argue with that. Did I do anything with said book? Hell no. I was so happy with my accomplishment that I was content to strut around like the cock of the walk.

Little did I know the next level was where I had stagnated for those three years. The top level of the pyramid is reserved for those who can repeat the feat. A person writes a book has to be able to do it again. Mostly because your first one will be total shit and you have to prove that you have what it takes to repeat it. It will be a terrible book, because all first books are. I have no delusions of that fact and I intend to go back and wildly re-edit Shiva’s Eye in the near future. I kind of have to since I’ve written the next book in the series already, Paws of the Sphinx.

So, yeah. I’m standing on the top of the stupid pyramid with eight novels and seven short stories completed. I have four other novels started and seven more shorts in the works. Now to get them published, but I’m not going into that again. Refer to my previous blog entries for insights on that touchy subject. What I wanted to talk about was the fact that I finally had a hard time finishing one. I started this novel more than a year ago. Three other novels saw completion in the meantime. I knew where it started and I certainly knew where it was going to end, but the middle was a fight to get done. Usually when I get into a book, I go like wildfire and that pace only picks up when I’m closing in on the ending. not so much on this one.

This thing was a completely different animal, but a lot of that was because I got sidetracked with other projects and the fact I created some great characters in it that I couldn’t wait to write spinoff novels and short stories about. When I had written certain characters into two other books and a couple of short stories the realization fell upon me that I had to finish Stranglehold or none of these people would have origins. Father Flanders the king of all exorcists and his combat nuns needed a home. Ian Fort the cryptozoologist was begging for his own book. I really wanted to do something with Teddy the CIA guy, but alas (spoiler alert) he got redshirted.

My point is that not all writing is from that overflowing fountain of creativity that keeps you in love with the craft and sometimes it feels a lot like work. So, if you’re struggling with finishing something, take my advice and distract yourself with other projects. Eventually you’ll get the inspiration to finish that one that sticks in your craw and annoys the shit out of you.

Until next time, keep the keyboard hot. The ending is out there somewhere.


I Quit… Sort of… Not Really